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MS Edda Fonn ble dopt ved fossefallet Sju Sostre i Geirangerfjorden. Akkurat da solen tittet fram lordag ettermiddag.
Skipsreder Johannes Ostensjo's yngste datter Sonja, var gudmor for den hittil siste tilveksten til flaaten i Ostensjo Rederi AS. 100 inviterte gjester var med paa daapsseremonien ved det beromte fossefallet i Geirangerfjorden en halvtimes reise fra Geiranger.
Edda Fonn er bygget ved Myklebust Verft paa Sunnmore. gjestene gikk om bod i skipet ved verftet i Gurskebotn, og ble fraktet inn Geirangerfjorden. Etter daapen gikk skipet videre til Geiranger, hvor det var daapsmiddag.
Administrerende direktor Johannes Rokstad er full av lovord baade om verftet og skipet, og han mottok ogsaa mange superlativer om Edda Fonn fra deltakerne paa jomfruturen.
Edda Fonn er et saakalt ROV/Survey-skip. Det er moderfartoy for en fjernstyrt miniubaat (ROV) og skal drive inspeksjon og kartlegging av sjobunnen, i forste omgang i Nordsjoen. Skipet er utleid til Deep Ocean, og skal gaa i selskapets kontrakter med Norsk Hydro og Statoil.
Den forste jobben blir aa kartlegge den nye rorledningen fra Ormen Lange til England, opplyser Rokstad.
Haugesunds-rederiet har i forste omgang inngaatt en treaarig avtale, med to aarlige opsjoner for Edda Fonn.
Skipet er rederiets nybygg nummer 30, det 24 i Norge. Naar Ostensjo Rederi overtar Edda Fonn i neste uke, har rederiet 21 skip i flaaten sin.
Rene yachten Sier Johan Rokstad om nyskipet.
Edda Fonn er registrert i NOR det ordinaere norske skipsregisteret. Skipet har norsk mannskap. Besetningen vil variere fra 11 til 16.
Fartoyet er designet av Skipsteknisk AS i
Aalesund, og har typebetegnelsen ST-253. Det er 84,7 meter langt og 18 meter bredt. Det har en 100-tonnskran og helikopterdekk. Toppfarten er 17 knop.
Mannskap og arbeidere faar gode forhold om bord. Edda Fonn har 38 enkle og 14 doble lugarer, tre salonger, messe, trimrom, solarium og badstu.

Ostensjo Rederi have a new ROV vessel to be delivered from the yard in June.
The vessel was christened to "Edda Fonn" on 10.05. in Geiranger,Norway.The vessel is 84,7m L and 18m W, it is rigged with a 100T crane and will go in on a 3year charter to DeepOcean with 2x1year option.
The vessel have DP2 class.

Read more about this newbuilding and the rest of the Ostensjo fleet at:

DOF ASA (DOF) and FUGRO UDI Ltd./Sonsub Ltd. enters contract for M/V "Skandi Bergen"

An agreement is signed between the companies for chartering of the AHTS Skandi Bergen of UT 712 design.

The initial charter period is 2 years. Charterers has options to extend the vessel for up to 5 years. Commencement will take place in April 2003 after completion of dry- docking and upgrading/conversion of the vessel.

According to the Charterer request the day-rate is not disclosed.

Prosafe wins North Sea contract.

Statoil has issued a Letter of Intent to Prosafe Offshore AS for the provision of accommodation services on the Troll field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The contract has a fixed duration of 115 days and will commence in July 2004. In addition, Statoil can exercise options that in total can have a duration of up to 60 days.

The value of the fixed contract, which will be performed by the MSV Regalia, is approx. USD 15,6 million included mobilisation and demobilisation. If all options are being exercised, the total contract value is approx. USD 21,7 million included mobilisation and demobilisation.

Statoil may use MSV Regalia for alternative work such as Well Intervention or Subsea Construction during the contract period.

Normand Mermaid" DP3 class vessel
Normand Mermaid is a MPSV and have DP class 3 installed.
As of the Solstad website the vessel is presently working in the North Sea.
You can view the specification of this vessel and all of the Solstad fleet on

The first supply/cargo vessel to be fuelled by LNG.
DOF newbuildings

Following three years of development the time has now come to commission the world's first gas-driven supply ship. The ship is an important part of the work on limiting emissions from the maritime industry.

The naming ceremony took place in Bergen Harbour on Friday April 25th at 17:00

The godmother is the city governor of Bergen, Mrs. Anne-Grete Erichsen.

The Norwegian shipping company Eidesvik AS took the initiative for, and headed the development of the gas-driven ship concept in close cooperation with Statoil. The project comprises two ships, where Eidesvik AS and Simon Mokster Shipping AS will own and operate one ship each. Both ships will be on a ten-year charter for Statoil. This innovation is attracting considerable attention in the industry both in Norway and internationally.
The new concept is that natural gas (LNG) is employed as a fuel. Natural gas is an abundant resource in Norway and the country exports large quantities through pipelines to Europe. But use of the gas in Norway has been moderate up to now.

Making a commitment to emission-free ships
Eidesvik sees that the environmental technology can be further developed. "We see that the next generation of gas-driven ships probably can be simplified and made cheaper. The development of this vessel has also put us on the track of technology that can further reduce emissions," says Managing Director Simon Eidesvik. Using gas reduces emissions of CO2 by about 20 per cent and NOx by about 85 per cent. There are no emissions of sulphurous gases. By replacing the engines with fuel-cell generators there will be no emissions of NOx, and CO2 emissions can be halved in relation to diesel operation. By using hydrogen as an energy source instead of LNG, the emission of CO2 will also cease.
"The shipping company's objective is to develop ships with this technology and assessments have been started.
It will probably take some years before hydrogen ships are launched, and we believe that gas-driven ships will be a necessary intermediate stage so that the industry can become accustomed to the use of gas," says Simon Eidesvik.

Eidesvik is nominated for the Thor Heyerdahl International Environmental Award for this work.

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